Project Weight Loss – Day 2

Thanks Everyone

I wanted to thank everyone for their support and comments on my Project Weight Loss introduction post. Your support has been very encouraging.

Weight Check

I weighed myself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach – 203 Pounds with 22.6% body fat. This is a bit strange and a rough start since on day 1, I weighed 201 pounds, however it’s normal since I’m just starting out. I will be weighing myself right after waking up every morning. This is recommended because it minimizes the weight fluctuations that result from the body’s water and sodium levels throughout the day.


Here is a quick list of what I’ve been eating for the last couple of days:

  • Low fat cottage cheese (or yogurt) with fruit (strawberries, blueberries etc.)
  • Lean meats and fish including grilled chicken, salmon, tuna
  • Eggs (boiled or scrambled)
  • Mixed Nuts (in moderation)
  • Lean cuisine microwave meals for when I’m feeling lazy or short on time ;)
  • Fruits (apples, oranges etc.)

Exercise & Workouts

I’ve been doing about 20 minutes on an elliptical machine, followed by 20 minutes of weight-lifting.

Overall Feeling

Overall I’m feeling great. I know I have a long way to go which is tough yet motivating because I feel that I’m taking on a bigger challenge. Of course the bigger the challenge the bigger the reward and payoff.